All the things you never wanted to know about Danny....
How long have you worked at The Sandbar? It will be 2 years this May(assuming I don't get fired)
How did you get this job? Mark Ernst was leaving for his fancy-pants job in KC, and I suggested to him that I have always wanted to work at the bar, and Dave also was aware of this. After I saved David's life when he was crossing the street one night, he decided to repay me by giving me a job.
Other jobs you have had? K-mart cashier/stockboy, worked in the dorms as a deskie for a year, then an RA for two years, 3 years as a server at La Parrilla, also worked various jobs in concessions in Yosemite National Park for a
Where are you from and how did you end up in Lawrence? Born in Fairfax, VA. Moved to Rolla, MO at age 8. Graduated in 1998 and went to school at KU(mainly to get the hell out of Missouri)
Favorite job besides The Sandbar? Being an RA was a mostly positive experience, but I got tired of it midway through my 2nd year
Favorite drink to drink? Jameson Press
Favorite drink to make? If I'm busy, anything easy. If I'm not busy, I like to make a good tropical concoction(usually just inventing the recipe on the fly)
Any specialty drinks? Oh, have you tried my WORLD FAMOUS "Blue Rhapsody" TM?
Most embarrassing moment at the bar? I got a red card from a representative of the BARS program. He was balding. (A red card means that you didn't ask for ID from the customer)
Favorite memory at the bar?
Probably before I worked there......most likely some random Tuesday night with my friends, dancing to Sinatra tunes when there really wasn't enough room for dancing.
Favorite song on the jukebox? "Jackie Wilson Said" by Van Morrison
Song on the jukebox you never want to hear again? For the love of god, please never ever play "Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy" again.
Favorite bar dancing song? Gotta go with "Carwash" on this one. I know, not very original....but those pelvic thrusts really make the dance.
How many dollars do you have on the wall? I haven't put up a single dollar, but there are a handful that my name ended up on...maybe 4 or 5.
Favorite Sandbar float? The Loveboat was pretty kickass. Before I worked here, me and my friends were invited to be on the float, but we opted out, and instead left early for our spring break climbing trip.
Longest you've waited in line? At least an hour.
Hobbies? Rock climbing, mountain biking, running, saxophone, alcohol consumption, Guitar Hero on PS2, bowling.
5 random facts about you that we'd be surprised to know:
1. My senior year at Rolla High School, I entered the 1st annual Mr. RHS Pageant, a sort of mock male beauty pageant. I only entered as a joke because I thought the whole idea of it was completely ridiculous. I was Mr. German Club, as that was the group that "sponsored" me, and I ended up beating all the popular kids and jocks and won the whole thing.
2. I can walk on water.
3. I was a starting offensive lineman in 8th grade football. The following year, I was first string tackling dummy, because apparently all the other kids had discovered the weight room that summer. Who knew?
4. I can fake tapdance pretty well.
5. I am 6'3 and I absolutely, positively SUCK at basketball.