Yesterday was the much anticipated Lawrence Half Marathon/5k/1 mile Fun Run. Several friends of The Sandbar participated in these events and we're all very proud of them! Great job Paul, Dave {not manager Dave- he's a biker, not a runner!}, Mandy, Ashley, bartender Danny, and Shawna and kids!
I managed the water station located at Hobbs Park, which was mile marker 8 of the Half Marathon. I had a great group of volunteers to help including Sandbar folks Coleen, Michelle, Staci, and Thom. The water stations were encouraged to have a theme, decorate, play music, and anything else to encourage the runners. Of course, with a built in theme party at The Sandbar, what other theme would we do?!?
Our water station was decked out in a tropical luau style. The tables had grass skirts and flowers; the water jugs wore coconut bras {and so did some volunteers!}; Michelle brought sea creatures on stakes that we lined the street with; and we had lots of grass skirts and leis. Leis decorated the trees on both sides of the street, and one tree in particular was dressed up with a grass skirt, coconut bra, and straw hat.
Some of the residents of the neighborhood brought leftover campaign signs which we used to create new signs encouraging the runners- funny things like "Tampa 1200 miles" and "Speed limit 145 mph." We got lots of comments on our fun signs. The best comment, however, was from the third runner to pass our water station- as volunteers yelled "water" and "gatorade," he yelled back "beer!"
And of course we had music. Mostly Jimmy Buffett, but some other carefully selected tunes to go along with the theme, played all morning at our station.
I think everyone would agree we all had a great time. Our job was to hand out water, Gatorade, and GU {some kind of energy gel} to the runners. More importantly I hope we helped keep their spirits up as they ran by! The events of the day were a benefit for Health Care Access, a local clinic which provides medical services to uninsured members of the community. Thanks to everyone who volunteered and congratulations to all of our running friends!