Those of you who regularly inhabit The Sandbar or receive our somewhat irregular e-mail news updates have probably heard about our newest adventure.
In another brilliant brainstorm, we decided to install a Wii upstairs on our beach. We also purchased Rock Band and Guitar Hero, along with some other fun games, to add another dimension of entertainment at The Sandbar.
If you're familiar with Dave and The Sandbar, though, you know that he wouldn't merely set the equipment up like everyone else does.
He talked to the neighbors next door at Richard's Music Company and they hooked him up with some old drums, a wobbly stool they couldn't sell, and a microphone stand. Then Dave put his construction skills to work and fashioned an authentic looking drum set, complete with shiny green fabric, around the electronic one that came with the Wii.
He added blue velvet and a blue metallic fringe curtain as a backdrop; a tv and speakers from Ottawa, and voila! A rock band stage was set.
We don't have all the details worked out yet, but a few people have been allowed to play. If you're in the bar in the afternoon or early evening, and it's somewhat slow, ask the bartender or door guy if you can play.
When we have more information about how this will work, and possibly some promotional games and tournaments, it will be posted here.
In the meantime, here are some pictures from last night's impromptu concert: