Several months ago, I set up a Facebook page for The Sandbar, and so far it's been a hit. I've been trying to figure out some more fun things to do with the page, and was inspired by the popular "Larryville" application that Lawrencians use to send virtual pieces of Lawrence to their friends.
So, I'm excited to announce that fans of The Sandbar can now send trinkets, drinks, and pieces of the bar to your friends! I used Gift Creator and created "My Sandbar," a virtual collection of all your favorite things. As you send more gifts to your friends, you'll unlock even bigger gifts. I think I have a great selection of the most popular things at the bar, but if you have a special request, leave a comment on the application's wall.
Since this application includes references to alcohol, it is restricted to users who are 21 and over. Which, ironically, means you can't send pieces of The Sandbar TO The Sandbar, and we can't use our own application to send things to our friends! The bar doesn't turn 21 until next year, so until then, you'll have to collect virtual toys from your other friends.
UPDATED: I thought it was silly that The Sandbar couldn't send gifts. There's really no reason to have an actual birthday on Facebook since we're a business, so I took it out. Now we can participate in the fun, too.
If you're a member of Facebook, head over to My Sandbar and start sending gifts!