Well, we've given in to yet another social network.
You can now find us on Pinterest, the current darling of the social networking world. We were a little hesitant to sign up; after all, between blogging and Facebooking and tweeting it's a little hard to keep up with everything sometimes. But after spending some time exploring Pinterest, it was easy to see how it could be fun for the Sandbar and our friends.
For those of you who aren't familiar with Pinterest, it's basically an online bulletin board. Did you ever tear out pictures of things you liked from magazines- things like furniture, houses, clothes or hairstyles- and stuff them in a notebook or folder? Pinterest is that, only better. Instead of having a notebook taking up space on your shelf, that you never refer back to, you've got online bulletin boards where you can "pin" things you find around the internet.
You can follow other people and their boards, and they can follow you. You can "like" or "repin" things that other people have pinned. It's a great way to discover new things.
You can find us here.
So, what are we pinning? So far, we've found cool pint glasses, shark-shaped party food and baby mermaid costumes. And we've got a whole board dedicated to repurposing your drink toys. If you've got other ideas for Sandbar boards, let us know!